Welcome to Rosedale Sportsmens Club!

Notice: This site is intended primarily for Rosedale members.

Click Here for information on becoming a member.

Current News and Announcements


This area is where you will find important announcement's regarding Rosedale and its members. Click on the Title for more information

Weekend Range Closures

Because of the ongoing improvement projects at Rosedale, it will be necessary to have the following range closures on Saturday, March 8: The Outdoor Pistol Range will close from 9 AM to 1 PM. The Rifle Range will close from Noon to 4 PM The Night Shoot scheduled for 4...

Please Help to Keep Our Club Clean!

The Board of Directors asks that everyone please clean up after they are done shooting! Take a moment to sweep up all of the ejected brass and take down all of the used targets. Please try to leave the range in better shape than when you arrived. Thanks!

2025 Gun Bash Tickets

Rosedale 2025 Gun Bash Tickets Now Available The Rosedale 2025 Gun Bash will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025.  This is the major fundraiser for the Club, and your support by selling tickets and attending has a huge impact on the facilities and events Rosedale can...

Today’s Events

Upcoming Events